Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 14 - Getting Faster

Since I started this 100-day challenge, I've noticed a lot of positive changes. I'm more observant of my surroundings, looking more actively for things that are interesting or beautiful.

This challenge has been a great exercise, but it has also been difficult. I've had to force myself to think of writing as an obligation. I can no longer wait until I feel inspired or have energy to write; I must write, inspired or not. I've likened it to going to the gym when I'm exhausted. While I occasionally have days when I feel exercising, most days I have to force myself to workout. If I only ran when I felt like it, I would never get faster.

Tonight I'm exhausted, and I just want to watch the Netflix documentary on bears on the couch with Bill. I want to turn my mind off and allow myself to wind down. And while writing these few paragraphs has been a bit of a struggle tonight, it's somewhat nice to have a task and a purpose and so that when I do wind down, I can truly relax.

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