Saturday, February 15, 2014

I'm back!

When I went to China, I learned a lot about myself. I spent a lot of my time alone, reflecting and writing. And when I wasn’t alone, reflecting, I experienced so many interesting new things that I never ran out of material to write about. 

One thing I learned about myself is that I really do love writing. It’s one of two things that make me feel alive and free (the other thing is dancing, which I don’t plan on making a career out of. Although if I get discovered, I’ll be open-minded). 

I came back from China, inspired and full of a newly discovered passion. It was similar to the inspired feeling I had when I graduated from college, but less naive and more focused. I knew that I wanted to write. I applied for all kinds of jobs, and took a few chances, applying for copywriting (and other writing) jobs that I knew I wasn’t qualified for.

It took a few months of searching, but I finally found a job. It didn’t have anything to do with writing, but that was OK. I needed a job, so this would be fine for now. After a few months, I came to realize that I really didn’t like my job. I had a a few negative co-workers who loved to gossip and play the blame game, and I didn’t get paid much at all. About a year later, I found another (much better) job, which I still have and love. 

Fast forward a year and a half, and I’m happily living with my boyfriend, working at a job that I love. Now that I’m happy, I’m not spending all of my free time applying for other jobs. So, what am I spending my free time doing? I’m watching a decent amount of TV, going out with friends a lot (which often involves dancing), and reading here and there. But I’m not writing. 

I took a few stabs at writing fiction recently, but that didn’t go well. The lead character was always a blonde girl whose intelligence was constantly underestimated until she proved them all wrong. Basically, a memoir of my fantasies. No one wants to read that.

Then I remembered that I had started a blog called “An American in San Francisco,” which was supposed to be my blog sequel to “An American in Shenyang.” However, I got too caught up in the job search when I got back, that I forgot about it before posting anything. 

The title of this blog isn’t a reference to me being back in the U.S. It’s letting you know that “I’m back into writing again, finally.” And this time, I hope to keep it up.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of Americans living in San Francisco, learning one culture, teaching about another. Of course, you're the rare case of someone who could title her blog "A San Franciscan in America." Either way, glad you're back!
