Saturday, February 15, 2014

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig

This was a random question that I was prompted to answer when editing my blog profile. I wrote out a little story, only to find after pressing "Save," that it was 1500 characters too long. However, not wanting all of that writing to go to waste, I decided to turn it into a blog post. The question (which actually technically is not a question): The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:

Robby, the Russian froggy, lost his parents at a young age to a traveling French chef. Robby was too young to remember his family's tragic ending. His earliest memory was being picked up off the side of the road, by a beautiful little girl. 

"You must be hungry, Mr. Prince." The beautiful little girl said. "What's your name? Mine is Yana." 

"Ribbit." Said Robby. 

"That's a silly name!" Said the girl.

"Damnit," Thought Robby. "She doesn't speak Frog."

Yana took Robby home to her little cottage by the lake. "Let me get you all dressed up, my prince!" She said.

"What in gods name is she talking about?" Thought Robby. But he didn't have a home or a family, so he tried to go along with it. "Ribbit!" He responded.

Yana spent all morning fashioning a wig out of yarn for Robby. "Here," She said. "Now you look like a prince."

Days went by. Weeks, months, turned into years. Robby grew to love Yana and began to think that he too, was a person. Yana even began to understand a little Frog. She could tell when he was hungry or when he wanted to play. 

Once day Robby felt sad, but he didn't know why. "Ribbit..." He sighed.

"What's wrong, Ribbit?" Yana asked. " I know! You want to go to the lake!"

She picked him up and brought him outside to the lake by her house. "Here, go play!" She said. 

Rob hopped out to the edge of the lake, and something woke up inside him. He felt home. Then he heard something, he had almost lost all memory of, other frogs, and they were laughing.

"Hi!" Said Robby. "What's so funny? Can I play?"

The frogs came out from under the lily pads. There were two boy frogs and one lady frog. 

"We're laughing at you!" said the lady frog. "What's that on your head?"

Robby realized how silly he must look to the other frogs. "It's my hair!" He said indignantly as he hopped back to Yana. Yana picked him up and took him home.

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