Saturday, May 23, 2015

100 Day Challenge Terms + Day 1 - View from a Hill

The camera that I recently bought for myself sits on the coffee table most days, accumulating dust. I've been terrible about updating my blog as I'm sure you've (all one of my followers) have noticed. I don't really have an excuse for not taking pictures, making movies, and writing stories - I've just been lazy lately.

My friend Amanda told me last week that she's doing a 100 day challenge, where every day for 100 days she does something creative. It struck me that this was the perfect solution to my recent drought in creative motivation. I never say no to a challenge, and I absolutely hate quitting. So I took it upon myself to start this challenge today, May 23, 2015.  Although before I begin, I must make myself agree to specific terms so that I don't start to make excuses and fall into the same unproductive pattern. By starting this challenge, I agree to the following terms:

  • Every day for 100 days straight, I must do something creative. It doesn't matter what it is that I create, as long as I am able to document it in my blog. Activities may include, but are not limited to: a written blog post, a photo, a drawing (which can be scanned or photographed and added as a post), a movie or short film.
  • Due to potential unforeseen circumstances, such as limited or no internet, I am not required to upload my project on the day that it was created. As long as I create it on the appropriate day, and note the date in the post, it counts.
  • I must create/complete the project on the said day. Again, due to potential unforeseen circumstances, I am allowing myself to skip two days. However, I must make up that missing project the following day, by completing two projects.
  • If I miss more than two days, I must start the 100 days from the beginning.
  • I'm welcome to upload/create multiple projects in one day. Although only one project will count towards the total (unless it's one of the two allowable make-up projects).
I, Lorraine, agree to the above terms and conditions.

Below is my first contribution to this project. I walked from the Richmond to my parent's house in Duboce Triangle, with my camera in hand. It wasn't until I'd almost reached their house when I saw this view: 

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