I decided today to try to shoot pictures from Turtle Hill today. Views from atop this hill in the Inner Sunset are some of the most unique of the city. You can see the ocean and downtown, and almost an ariel view of Golden Gate Park, all in one fell swoop.
I left my house and hopped on my bike, only to ride through the thickest fog I've seen all year. Realizing that I might not have much luck shooting a great view, I decided to ride through the park instead. In spite of the terrible weather, people were still out enjoying themselves; I passed children and families, couples on roller skates and bikes.
I realized that this 100 day challenge has given me a gift - normally I would be at home watching Netflix or convincing myself to do housework, but instead I'm outside, trying to find beauty in the world. This challenge has forced me to find something beautiful, or humorous in my every day life - something that I want to share. I realized that this would be a good way to approach my life, not just for 100 days, but every day.
I rode to the west side of the park to photograph the buffalo, but when I got there, they were cooped up together under a shelter, hardly visible. It wasn't even worth trying to take a picture. I ended up riding to the sunset, since I was meeting some people over there to watch the Warriors game later. I got there early, and started walking up to Turtle Hill, when I got this shot. While the views from the hill itself weren't great, some of the shots I got on the journey there were perfect.