Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 4 - Beyond the Grime

The view from my office at work is spectacular. I'm on the 18th floor of a high rise in the mid market area, and can see cascading views from all around the city. We've gotten so used to the view on this floor, that it's become like wallpaper. People sit at their desks every day, 5 days a week, only occasionally glancing out the window, at the ever-changing skyline. Although when there's a nice sunset, a few people will go to the window to snap photos of the dramatic site.

The one comment I hear over and over again during these dramatic sunsets is complaints about the grime on the windows. Without the appropriate camera, it's impossible to take a photo of the sunset, without specks of black and grey in the forefront. 

The logistics of frequently cleaning an 18th-story window aside, I worry sometimes that I'm focusing too often on the grime on the window, rather than what lies beyond it. When I took this photo below, I had that very thought, and I promised myself to look more often at the view because it is spectacular.

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