Monday, March 23, 2020

Diary of a Quarantined Cat: Day 10

9 am
Now that the humans have been confined to the indoors, I think they've developed more empathy for my situation. They see me looking wistfully out the window, wondering what it would be like to be free. They see the longing in my eyes - the longing to feel the breeze against my face, and to smell all of its fragrances.

Maybe if I'd been a free cat, Nemo wouldn't have left. Maybe he didn't think I would survive out there, and he really was just trying to protect me. I wish I'd been given a chance to prove him wrong.

But more likely, it was just an excuse - he didn't expect me to want to be an outdoor cat. Maybe he even visited other indoor cats, and if I'd been set free, I'd have seen through everything - I'd have seen who he really was.

12 pm
The humans are opening the back door! This is my chance! I'm doing it!

Those smells. There are so many smells. So many plants to sniff and...a fly! I see a fly! Freedom tastes so good!

Wait, they're not stopping me. Are they really letting me go? But what if I can't survive out here on my own? They know I don't have most of my teeth, right?

12:15 pm
It seems that they have some kind of freedom-killing string attached to me. But would I really have gone off if they'd let me? Did I really want to escape, or did I just want to know that it was an option? Isn't that all that freedom really is - knowing that you could make a change if you wanted to?

The humans don't know this, but I could wiggle out of this harness. I won't, for today. But it's good to know that I can.

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