Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Diary of a Quarantined Cat: Day 2

8 am
The Humans are still in bed, despite my desperate pleas for help. They locked me out of their nap chamber hours ago. They clearly don't understand the gravity of the situation.

The loud one feeds me in the morning. She has so much energy during the evenings, but most mornings I think she's died. She looks awful, and doesn't move for hours. I tried to eat her face once, but she was alive.

9 am
The loud one finally fed me. She's awake, but she still looks awful. I heard her say that she's trying to bathe less. Less than never? I've never seen her lick herself.

12 pm
Again with this extra meal. I'm writhing on the ground because there are no words. Do you not see my pain? No, I am NOT trying to be cute.

5 pm
I disagree with the loud one's decision not to bathe. The house smells more and more like humans every day. Disgusting creatures.


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