Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Diary of a Quarantined Cat: Day 4

6:30 am
Joy! The humans are already up! They will finally feed me at a reasonable hour.

Stop showering human! Priorities!

Oh no. They're bringing me to the carrier. How could I have forgotten about the carrier...? I will wiggle my way free! But the human's grip is strong...I have lost this battle.

7:30 am
I've arrived at the awful place. It's a different place this time than the last time, but there are still too many dogs. I heard the word surgery again. Maybe if I stay completely still, they won't see me and will forget about this whole thing.

2:30 pm
Well, that wasn't so bad.
Wait. Where are my teeth?
I have no teeth.
Wait, there's one.
OK, I have at least one tooth.
Human is laughing. She says I'm high?
Hardly. I'm not even on top of the dresser. I'll show her.
Whoops...misjudged that jump.

5:30 pm
I want to sleep, but I can't. Too many thoughts and feelings swimming through my mind. Where did that squirrel go after he jumped the fence? Will he be back? Why does he bury his nuts when there's no guarantee of tomorrow?
Maybe I'll try closing my eyes for a bit...

I'm not high, you're high

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