Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 76 - Outside Lands 2008

2008 was the first year I went to Outside Lands. It was also the first year that it existed. I went with a friend from work, who I didn't know all that well. By the end of the night, we were nearly best friends. I watched as she changed "Lorraine work" in her phone to just "Lorraine."

The night ended with Radiohead. A guy behind us was obviously interested in my friend, and asked if she wanted to sit on his shoulders. His friend, not wanting me to feel left out, asked me the same. Having just come back from my year abroad of eating in France, at a prime 25 pounds heavier than I am now, I politely said "you really don't have to."

"No, I want to," said the 5"6 skinny boy who I was about to crush. It took some heaving, and an almost disaster, but I got to watch the final two songs of the set from the best seat in the house.

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