Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 81 - Bird the Badge

I took a break this afternoon to get coffee with my dad. After the lovely interlude, as we stood up to head back to our respective jobs, a white flash zipped by my peripheral vision and slapped me on the butt.

"What was that!?" I semi-yelled in the middle of the cafe. It felt like a slap, but there was no one near me. I looked around, confused, and then turned to my dad. "Something slapped me in the butt!" I said, shocked. "What in the world was that?"

A young man nearby looked up from his computer. "It was your badge, hun" he said empathetically. "It got stuck and retracted."

With the attention of the entire cafe at this point, I searched for words to cover my embarrassment, or to explain somehow that I was not an idiot. "Oh!" I exclaimed. "I thought it was a bird!"

As if I could not leave the cafe fast enough, my ever-so-popular dad ran into an old friend on his way out, and made the mistake of introducing me as his daughter rather than disassociating himself from me forever.

1 comment:

  1. Why would I ever want to disassociate?

    I'm sure after your outburst, my friend thinks, like I do, that you're a true Princess along the lines of Snow White or Cinderella:-- with birds flitting all around you.
