Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 78 - Things I Overheard at Outside Lands

1. Bro #1 to bro #2 as they navigate the crowd (philosophically): "You know, life is just one big game of Frogger."

2. Very drunk 19 y/o-ish feather headed, face painted girl #1: "Why aren't we moving up?"
Drunk girl #2 (slurred): "Um...we gotta be near the back so we can book it to mumfsms." (Mumford and Sons)

3. Boyfriend: "You're struggling with that scarf"
Girlfriend (genuinely frustrated): "It's because...I want it to cover my arms. Like a shirt. But it's technically a scarf."

4. Brah: "Outside Lands is so chill. Coachella tries too hard."

5. Young guy navigating the crowd too quickly: "I can't even see...where there's people...or anybody."

6. End of the night, two drunk girls stumbling home. Girl #1: "I'm like so tired. I feel like I accomplished nothing...and so much at the same time."

1 comment:

  1. 7. Dad, via text: That was the most amazing set. Ever.
