Dear Bubbles,
How do you maintain such high productivity, day after day after day?
- Party Boat Doug in Seattle
Dear Party Boat Doug,
It's true - my level of productivity is astounding. The real trick to maintaining my extremely high level of effective, efficient output comes down to these two tips:
- Get lots of rest. This. Is. Key. A rested mind is a sharp mind. I recommend sleeping at least 23 hours/day.
- Don't be narrow-minded about what it means to be productive. "Pushing cups off a table isn't productive!!" I've heard the humans say.
"Chasing ghosts around the house doesn't do anything for anyone!" They've also griped (grateful lot they are...).
Who cares if other people don't think what you're doing is productive! Does it make you feel good? Does it create more balance in the universe (cup pushing does this by converting stale potential energy into vibrant, moving energy)? Then it's productive! Just because it doesn't directly convert into stinky fish in your bowl doesn't mean it's not productive in the greater sense of the word.
Such wisdom, this little cat!