Sunday, April 19, 2020

Diary of a Quarantined Cat: Day 37

Dear Bubbles,
As an indoor cat who enjoys solitude while your humans are away, do you have any tips to share with us humans who are now required to be indoors all the time?
- Bear's Caretaker in San Francisco

Dear Bear's Caretaker,

I found your letter so interesting - it's the first letter I've received that references the need for humans to stay inside. So it's not just my humans who are required to be indoor humans? How many humans are being forced to stay inside, and why?

Anyway, back to your question. I do find joy in solitude, and am quite honestly perplexed by anyone who doesn't. When you are on your own, you can be whoever you want to be, without being bothered or judged. You can look out the window for hours, chase a fly for 30 seconds, and then top it all off with a bowl of stinky fish and a long nap in the sun. Or you can do human things like flail about to noises, stare at boxes with flashing lights, and open and close the cold kitchen box 100 times (this is a very popular exercise with my humans).

I think the key is simple: acceptance. Once you accept that you're an indoor cat...or human, you can start to enjoy it. Also remember that everything is temporary; nothing lasts forever. So once you accept your reality today, and recognize that it's fleeting, you will start to find joy.


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