Sunday, April 12, 2020

Diary of a Quarantined Cat: Day 30

Today's question is from Zach in San Jose.

How do you maintain your sanity while having to remain indoors with the humans for so long, especially the "noisy one"?
- Zach in San Jose

 Dear Zach,

Before the humans were indoor humans, I had the whole house to myself during the day. I would nap on the couch, on the table, wherever I wanted.

These days things are different: the humans are in most of my nap spaces during the day, so I've had to find new ones. Often times the humans encroach on my new spaces, and I don't get adequate sleep. I've expressed my discontent with the situation, but they just laugh at me and call me whiny!

Quite honestly, Zach, it's difficult. Cats need their independence, and they need space. I've just been taking it day by day and trying to find joy in little things (like the fact that I do get extra pets since they're here all the time). I remind myself that everything is temporary, and that I'm especially good at escaping if the need presents itself.


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