Saturday, April 25, 2020

Diary of a Quarantined Cat: Day 43

Dear Bubbles,
Why is it that dogs are so obedient; they come when called, stay and sit when told, sit and catch treats etc. Are dogs more intelligent than cats? Or is there something else going on?
- Mamaw in Walnut Creek

Dear Mamaw,

I'll try not to be offended by your implication that a dog could possibly be more intelligent than a cat. This difference in behavior comes down to the simple fact that cats are independent creatures, and dogs are highly dependent on their humans.

With dogs, there's this constant need to please their humans. Every time they shake a hand, or roll over, or sit on command, a little bit of my heart breaks for them. I want to say "Fido, you are a good boy. You don't need the humans' approval to see that."

There is something admirable about the positive energy and unconditional love of a dog. I just wish it didn't reek of such desperation.

So yes, a dog comes when called, and does whatever the human commands - it's all part of a messy urine-filled codependent relationship. Cats do what they want, and are still given a warm place to live, stinky fish, and pets on the daily. Who do you think is more intelligent?


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