Thursday, April 16, 2020

Diary of a Quarantined Cat: Day 34

Another question all the way from New York!

Dear Bubbles, 
Are you the catnapping kind? How do you resist the urge for an afternoon snooze considering everything that needs to get done in a day?
- Quaran-T in New York City

Dear Quaran-T,

Resist the urge? I've never in my life done such a thing about anything. When I want to sleep, I sleep. When I want to eat, I eat.

This theme has come up a few times with the humans: a need to work, even when they don't want to. As I've stated in a previous post, I am optimally productive, and amazingly efficient with my day. I believe that this is because of my napping, not in spite of it. Humans spend more time worrying about things than actually doing them. I think they need to just decide to nap, and then decide to work. I bet you if you added up the amount of time you sit, unproductively wishing you could sleep, it would add up to a solid nap time. And if you'd allowed yourself that snooze, you'd wake up feeling energized and ready to chase some ghosts!

That's a wrap - time to nap!


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